Torso,Humanoid=script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso"),script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") walkhight=2 jumphight=6 gus=3 --GUS=grid unit size increments=100 --the hight and width in GUS format runthreats={"TimeBomb","Part","Cannon Shot"} --threats to run from grid={} --(table of tables) topographic map grid2={} removechildlist={} checkpoints={} branches={} failed=false function round(h) local mult=10^0 return math.floor(h*mult+0.5)/mult end function stop() Humanoid:MoveTo(Torso.Position, Torso) -- LINE IS BROKEN HERE end function checkonmap(x,z) if x<=increments and x>0 and z<=increments and z>0 then return true end end function printmap() for i=1, increments do print(table.concat (grid[i], ' ')) end end
Line is broken, please fix!
Torso= script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso"); Humanoid = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") walkhight=2 jumphight=6 gus=3 --GUS=grid unit size increments=100 --the hight and width in GUS format runthreats={"TimeBomb","Part","Cannon Shot"} --threats to run from grid={} --(table of tables) topographic map grid2={} removechildlist={} checkpoints={} branches={} failed=false function round(h) local mult=10^0 return math.floor(h*mult+0.5)/mult end function stop() Humanoid.Parent:MoveTo(Torso.Position) -- LINE IS BROKEN HERE end function checkonmap(x,z) if x<=increments and x>0 and z<=increments and z>0 then return true end end function printmap() for i=1, increments do print(table.concat (grid[i], ' ')) end end