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Is it possible to make the player unable to rotate their camera?

Asked by 8 years ago

Is it possible to make the player unable to rotate their camera?

I can't find anything on youtube, nor the wiki about if it is possible to make the player unable to rotate their camera.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You will need to edit the camera script to be able to do this. User#5423 17 — 8y
What do you want to do with it? You want a 2d camera? RubenKan 3615 — 8y
I do not want a 2D camera. Think of what I want to create is like the "camera" in the old pokemon games. iiParadoxLegacy 38 — 8y
They are fixed to the character and just follow it, have you checked the camera types? User#5423 17 — 8y
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Go to the wiki and look at the 'Top Down Action' project, and look at the camera page, you may find it there. Master_JJ 229 — 8y
Thank you @Master_JJ , this helped me. :-) iiParadoxLegacy 38 — 8y

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Answered by 8 years ago

In your case, you want to make the camera scriptable and have a cframed part attached to the player. Then have the camera follow the cframed part. But if the player were to rotate it would look weird and make the players annoyed with camera motions


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