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How to save a gui value using datastore??

Asked by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

I'm trying to make it so when a stat changes, it saves. It isn't s stupid leaderstat. It's a IntValue inside a Gui. This is what I have so far; it doesn't work at all. I'm new to datastore and personally think it's stupid. I was just trying to save the ki value but still added the stamina and attack for later.

There are no errors. The problem is that the Ki value won't save

--Btw this is a script in Workspace

local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore('SSJClickerSaves')

    local PlayerId = 'id-'.. Player.userId
    local Ki = Player.PlayerGui.Stats.StatsFrame.Ki:FindFirstChild("KiVal")
    local Attack = Player.PlayerGui.Stats.StatsFrame.Physical:FindFirstChild("AttackVal")
    local Stamina = Player.PlayerGui.Stats.StatsFrame.Stamina:FindFirstChild("StamVal")

    local Save = DataStore:GetAsync(PlayerId)
    if Save then
        Ki.Value = Save[1]

        local SaveValues = {Ki.Value}
        DataStore:SetAsync(PlayerId, SaveValues)

    local PlayerId = 'id-'.. Player.userId
    local SaveTable = {Player.PlayerGui.Stats.StatsFrame.Ki.KiVal.Value}
    DataStore:SetAsync(PlayerId, SaveTable)


This is for a DBZ game I'm making. It's in the pre-est of pre alphas.

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

First things first, your code will not support FilteringEnabled

Do not access the Player's PlayerGui in a Server-Script this will throw errors.

-- in a localscript under StarterGui or StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts

-- Variables local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- Get Service local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("SSJClickerSaves") -- Get DataStore local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Get LocalPlayer i.e Player local Key = "user_" .. Player.UserId -- Get the UserId local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui -- Access PlayerGui local Stats = PlayerGui.Stats -- Get Stats local SFrame = Stats.StatsFrame -- Get StatsFrame local Ki = SFrame.Ki:FindFirstChild("KiVal") -- Get Ki local Attack = SFrame.Physical:FindFirstChild("AttackVal") -- Get Attack local Stamina = SFrame.Stamina:FindFirstChild("StamVal") -- Get Stamina -- Function local function updateValues() -- This function will update the DataStore with the new Values DataStore:UpdateAsync(Key, function(oldSave) local newSave = { ["Ki"] = Ki.Value; ["Stamina"] = Stamina.Value; ["Attack"] = Attack.Value; } return newSave end) end -- Events // Activate the updateValues function when the Values of Ki, Attack, and Stamina change Ki.Changed:connect(updateValues) Attack.Changed:connect(updateValues) Stamina.Changed:connect(updateValues)
Although your script didn't quite work, I appreciate all the effort. Also, this gave me a better idea of how the dataStore works <3 animelover6446 41 — 8y
no problem, good luck! DragonSkyye 517 — 8y
I would not use a changed event to save player stats, this will exceed the limitations. User#5423 17 — 8y

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