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How create Male/Femal script?

Asked by 8 years ago

Did you know when we create a new account, we can choose if we are a boy or a girl, if i want to take that info and make a script ? It is possible? If yes, what is the command?

1if Male then
2      --// My script
3elseif Femal then
4      --// My script
I don't think roblox records this. You should just ask the player. BlueTaslem 18071 — 8y

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Answered by 8 years ago

Quoting NotSoNorm

There is no way to determine a player's gender by just what they logged in through. This is because on the privacy terms, the only use for it would be to determine how the character would look when they first made their account.

But we can be smarter, can't we?

We know some things. Firstly, there are some hats directed to the female side of roblox, and some hats directed to the male side. But let's start with the beginner hat. You know what I'm talking about. The Pal hair and that girl hair that no one can think of the name of...

If we use PlayerHasAsset and check all the male hats and female hats, if the player has more male hats, assume male, vice versa.


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