if msg:lower():sub(1,7) == "unspire " then local plrz = GetPlr(plr, msg:lower():sub(8)) for i, v in pairs(plrz) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() -- Line 1040 if v and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then for z, cl in pairs(v.Character.Torso:children()) do if cl:IsA("Fire") then cl:Destroy() end end for z, cl in pairs(v.Character.Torso:children()) do if cl:IsA("Sparkles") then cl:Destroy() end end end end end)) end end end
it keeps saying ')' expected (to close '(' at line 1040) near 'end'
How do I fix this??
Here, I think I fixed it;
if msg:lower():sub(1,7) == "unspire " then local plrz = GetPlr(plr, msg:lower():sub(8)) for i, v in pairs(plrz) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if v and v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then for z, cl in pairs(v.Character.Torso:children()) do if cl:IsA("Fire") then cl:Destroy() end end for z, cl in pairs(v.Character.Torso:children()) do if cl:IsA("Sparkles") then cl:Destroy() end end end end)) --Were supposed to be here for the coroutine end end --You added two extra ends :P
Hope this helped!
Get rid of the two "))"'s at line 10.