01 | local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
02 | local c = plr.Character |
03 | local gui = plr:WaitForChild( "PlayerGui" ).main |
04 | local back = gui.character_custom.Background |
05 | local hairleft = back.hair_scroll.left |
06 | local hair = back.hair_scroll |
07 | local rp = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
08 | local Hatsc = rp.CC.Hats:GetChildren() |
09 | local Hats = rp.CC.Hats |
10 | local CC 1 = game.Workspace.CC 1 |
11 | local CC 2 = game.Workspace.CC 2 |
12 | local CC 3 = game.Workspace.CC 3 |
13 | local CC 4 = game.Workspace.CC 4 |
14 | local CD 1 = CC 1. Dummy |
15 | local CD 2 = CC 2. Dummy |
my problem is it will load the default hair but no others even though there are more in the folder this is on a textbutton with a LocalScript
I can't comment so, I'll say this, please explain the conditions for studio this script works in.
Like where is the script being placed inside of? And what exactly are you trying to make?