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It will not scroll through all my hats only one?

Asked by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago
01local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
02local c = plr.Character
03local gui = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui").main
04local back = gui.character_custom.Background
05local hairleft = back.hair_scroll.left
06local hair = back.hair_scroll
07local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
08local Hatsc = rp.CC.Hats:GetChildren()
09local Hats = rp.CC.Hats
10local CC1 = game.Workspace.CC1
11local CC2 = game.Workspace.CC2
12local CC3 = game.Workspace.CC3
13local CC4 = game.Workspace.CC4
14local CD1 = CC1.Dummy
15local CD2 = CC2.Dummy
View all 77 lines...

my problem is it will load the default hair but no others even though there are more in the folder this is on a textbutton with a LocalScript

Any output errors? superalp1111 662 — 8y
Nope johndeer2233 439 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

I can't comment so, I'll say this, please explain the conditions for studio this script works in.

Like where is the script being placed inside of? And what exactly are you trying to make?

Ok so This script is a local script located in a textbutton to go left or right johndeer2233 439 — 8y
Im trying to make a script that when you click the left button or right button it will scroll through all the hats and place them on a dummy johndeer2233 439 — 8y
The only problem is. Is when I click either the left or right buttons it will only do the default hat johndeer2233 439 — 8y

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