local Dialog = script.Parent:WaitForChild("NPC").Head.Dialog local vanilla = script.Parent.Vanilla local ready = script.Parent.Ready Dialog.DialogChoiceSelected:connect(function(Player, Choice) if Choice.Name == "May I take your order?" or Choice.Name == "What would you like today?" or Choice.Name == "Ready to order?" or Choice.Name == "I'm ready for your order" or Choice.Name == "Welcome, what would you like?" then print("test") ready.Value = 1 end end)
Even though in the Dialog > DialogChoice > UserInput states one of those in the list I made above, nothing gets printed or the IntValue gets changed...why?
I can't see what's wrong with the script. Is it in a local script or an original script? Where is the vanilla if you add a local and not use it, it may not work. Hope this helped :)