First of all, create animations.
Second, use this LINK to understand mechanics of animations.
And lastly, check Health property to see how you can damage the player.
Basically, there are a few examplesin these links that is very simple. For that, you need to insert "Animation" object into somewhere into the game, then you need to change their IDs to your animations' IDs. You said there are more than one animations so I will show you how to play animations randomly in each click. After you get your animations into a safe place(ServerStorage is pretty good for these stuff) you need to insert a LocalScript into StarterPack or StarterGui and, you can basically copy and paste this or read descriptions to fully understand and remake it. I am making it for three animations, you can change it later.
03 | game.ServerStorage.Animations.Anim 1 , |
04 | game.ServerStorage.Animations.Anim 2 , |
05 | game.ServerStorage.Animations.Anim 3 |
14 | function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent) |
15 | if inputObject.KeyCode = = Enum.KeyCode.F then |
21 | RandomAnim = Anims [ math.random( 1 , 3 ) ] |
24 | Player = script.Parent.Parent |
25 | Character = Player.Character |
27 | local animTrack = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(RandomAnim) |
35 | Character [ "Right Arm" ] .Touched:connect( function (TP) |
38 | if TP.Parent:FindFirstChild( "Humanoid" ) then |
39 | TP.Parent.Humanoid.Health = TP.Parent.Humanoid.Health - Damage |
49 | game:GetService( "UserInputService" ).InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress) |
I hope this helped you! Took my 20 minutes to type descriptions, study this hard :)