aha thats how i have it... still nothing. I just don't get Luadarmantinjr169— 7y
i am trying to make my gui appear when the character loads... I have the screen gui's name set to IntroGui. the frame called Frame and i am trying to change the visibility of the framedarmantinjr169— 7y
also how do i change my writing into a scriptdarmantinjr169— 7y
If you want your gui to appear when the character loads, just put the gui model inside StarterGui.RubenKan3615— 7y
yes but i would like it to wait until the character is loaded so they don't miss the introdarmantinjr169— 7y
From your use of PlayerGui, I assume this is a LocalScript. If so then the problem does not come from Lua itself, but rather from Roblox's client-server model. Connect()ing a function to the PlayerAdded event from the clientside (a LocalScript) will not detect when the LocalPlayer joins (when the Player object is created) as a LocalScript requires the player to *have* the LocalScript somehow.Link1501355— 7y
Usually either in a Gui in PlayerGui, in its character model or in the player itself. Of course a LocalScript cannot get the player before it is created, and thus cannot run before PlayerAdded was fired for that player. The solution in this case is to not use PlayerAdded *at all*; A LocalScript will automatically run once the player receives it.Link1501355— 7y