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Question about making a plugin GUI help?

Asked by 7 years ago

So you know when you click on the plugin button, (if you use plugins), most of the times a gui pops up and you do options from there, well I'm new to making plugins and just want to know how to do that.

I've looked at the wiki, done a few things, and came up with this

--Libaries/Services local RBXGui = assert(LoadLibrary("RbxGui")) -- Setup Toolbar local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Really Cool Plugin") -- Setup button local button = toolbar:CreateButton( "Test1", "Test2", "" ) --[[ Frame, Frame, Frame, BindableEvent CreatePluginFrame ( string name, UDim2 size = nil, UDim2 position = nil, bool scrollable = false, Instance parent = nil ) --]] button.Click:connect(function() plugin:Activate(true) local GUI = RBXGui.CreatePluginFrame("Frame",, 0, 1, 0),, 0, 0, 0), false, script.Parent) end) plugin.Deactivation:connect(function() print("Thanks for using my plugin! If you liked it, make sure to like it and share it with your friends!") end)

when I print the guis parent, it tells me the parent, which is in a screengui, and that is in the folder. Is the gui not suppose to be in the folder.

Any help would be appreciated

The thing you are looking for is Game:GetService('CoreGui'), all plugins use coregui to hold GUI instances, example create ScreenGui instance , and create frame inside it now parent the ScreenGui instance to coregui, now your plugin has simple frame, hope it helps:). If this helps, can you please mark this as answered. mastermarkus 11 — 7y
let's say I make a text button with it, and make it do stuff. When I click on it while the plugin is active, will it work? and sure i'll mark it as correct just post it in answer section DeveloperSolo 370 — 7y

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