Hi. I'm still learning LUA.. and i was interested in how would i make a script that would randomly choose a user who is playing to be something? Like the stalker,killer etc.
(Continuation after owen)
And to pick somebody that hasn't already been picked for something, do something similiar to this:
local Plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers() -- Add all players to Plrs table local killer = Plrs[math.random(1,#Players)] -- Get a player, this player is defined under Plr1 local sherif1, sherif2; repeat sherif1, sherif2 = Plrs[math.random(1,#Players)], Plrs[math.random(1,#Players)] until sherif 1 ~= killer and sherif2 ~= killer and sherif1 ~= sherif2
And, yes, you can also use for loops when using a table with multiple already picked people.
This is a very simple question, here is example code:
local Plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers() -- Add all players to Plrs table Plr1 = Plrs[math.random(1,#Players)] -- Get a player, this player is defined under Plr1
Here is the ROBLOX wiki documentation.
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