I Was Searching on the roblox forums and i couldn't find anything so i decided to ask you guys here. Also if you were to kindly help me please also note where to put the script in
You'll be using -PlayerAdded -CharacterAdded -Instance.new -Variables
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) local a = Instance.new("PointLight", char.Head) a.Range = x --Replace x with how far you want the glow to be a.Brightness = x --Replace x with how bright you want it to be a.Color = Color3.new(x, x, x) --Set the color you want it to be (RGB value divided by 255) a.Shadows = true --Do you want the light to be seen through bricks? end) end)
Insert a service called "PointLight" into the characters torso.