anyone have an idea how to create a 2 part limb humanoid? by two part limbs i mean two 1x1x1 parts for each limb (arms, legs). i want to use this body for the roblox animation plugin. ive tried to use motor6d's but it just falls apart then freezes the blocks in mid air.
any help/advice appreciated
Okay you don't need to do any of that. You just need to do one thing. Go to extras, and go to that plugin, there should be create a rig, click on any of those and it should make a dummy. Once that dummy is spawned to animate it use the animator and animate the torso. Then the whole thing should be being animated.
I've experimented with this a bit myself. I would weld the limbs together like a chain, forearm to bicep, to torso. Same with the legs. The animation editor will recognize the limbs and they should show up on the time line. You can then manipulate arms and legs as a whole and also be able to bend them.