I wanna animate with CFrame:lerp for a smooth look, I don't know where to look though or learn. Please help scriptinghelpers!!! I am trying to make a really cool walking and idle animation with CFrame:lerp.
Okay so, i dont got much time, but i know the struggle. So basicly lerp is used like so
for i = 0,1,0.1 do wait() Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame:lerp(cframe.New(0,0,0),i) end
Now you can do the same with welds and such, but its not efficient for the player themselves. If you use weapons like for say, phantom forces it would be efficient to use lerp to move the arms from position to position, keeping in mind they are welded, not using motor6's.
Now honestly for any player oriented animations your better off using the animation editor.