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How does a CFrame work and what are it functions?

Asked by 8 years ago

Hello guys, I recently started scripting and i want to know detailed about CFrame. I can't find the information i wanted on the web.. Please if you do know kindly take your time to explain and how to use it? I would really appreciate your help!

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Answered by
cabbler 1942 Moderation Voter
8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

CFrame is a property of every basepart and it stands for coordinate frame. It is a matrix including 3 values for position and 9 values for rotation; completely describing its existence in the game. You HAVE to use CFrame if you want to manipulate an object in any advanced way.

I'll explain some basics.

CFrame has "properties" that are just useful snippets of its values.

CFrame.p is position. CFrame - CFrame.p is rotation. CFrame.lookVector is the XYZ direction the part is facing as a unit vector. CFrame.upVector or .rightVector is lookVector orientated (I think).

CFrame has many useful functions too. Note none of these actually change the original, they only return a different CFrame.

CFrame:Inverse() is just a math function on the matrix. I can't say this is very useful to me. CFrame:lerp(newCFrame , alpha) gives you a CFrame that is between a desired CFrame by the alpha you specify between 0 and 1 (0%-100%). CFrame:toWorldSpace() places it in relation to (0,0,0) origin. Usually default. CFrame:toObjectSpace() places it in relation to a different object's position. Useful for welding.

And of course you can change the CFrame yourself with operations. It's a bit weird since it's a matrix. You can only multiply it by another CFrame or a vector and you can only add/subtract by a vector. One of the most useful things is to multiple by CFrame.Angles() for rotation. Good luck!

Thanks man i really do appreciate you for the info give! theepicspider1 15 — 8y

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