I am working on an admin, and I've always had issues with 'speed plr [n]'. What I am getting at is how do you add multiple 'subs' for example, you cant do...
if msg:lower():sub(1,2) == "ws" then local plr = msg:sub(3) local speed = 'what'? end
Where it says 'what?' the player name is going to be different everytime so theres no exact way of doing this that I know of
Can someone give me a hand here and help me out please?
What you should be using is string.match
(or string.find
). You would also want to use string patterns, to allow a different value to be returned.
-- Format: string.match(stringToUse,stringToFind) string.match("Hello","Hell") -- returns 'Hell' string.match("Yes","No") -- returns nil
Here is some complicated code that essentially forms the backbone of any admin script:
local prefix = ":" local valType = {} valType.player = "player" valType.number = "number" local commands = { speed = { values = {valType.player,valType.number}, -- the values the command requires func = function(...) -- the function that does the command local args = {...} -- sets the arguments as a table local player = args[1] -- gets the player if player and player:IsA("Player") then -- if it really is a player local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait() local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") args[2] = tonumber(args[2]) -- makes sure the second argument is a number if args[2] then -- if is a number humanoid.Walkspeed = args[2] -- sets the walkspeed end end end } } function getArgs(msg) local args = {} -- table for arguments while msg ~= "" or string.match(msg," ") do -- repeats until all arguments have been captured local str = string.match(msg,"(%.)%n+") or msg -- [3] table.insert(args,str) -- adds the argument into the table local strEnd = string.match(msg,"(%n+)") or "" -- finds the whitespace character at the end of the match msg = string.gsub(msg,str..strEnd,"") -- removes the argument and the whitespace character end return args -- returns the arguments end function decodeMessage(msg) local pref = string.sub(msg,1,string.len(prefix)) -- [1] if pref == prefix then -- if the player used the correct prefix msg = string.gsub(msg,prefix,"") -- [2] local args = getArgs(msg) -- gets all of the arguments for individual use local cmd = cmds[args1] -- gets the command requested by the player if cmd then -- if it is an existing command table.remove(args,1) -- removes the command entry in the args args = assignValues(args,cmd.values) -- [4] cmd.func(unpack(args)) -- executes the function end end end
This line finds the prefix, using the length of the prefix as a guide - string.match may be unreliable because someone may use ':' later in the script.
essentially replaces one part of a string with another string. This returns the new string, so it does not automatically update variables.
-- Format: string.gsub(stringToUse,stringToFind,stringToReplaceWith) string.gsub("Yes","Yes","No") -- returns "No"
String patterns:
= Captures a pattern, returning what is captured. Multiple captures in one string returns a tuple.
= Whitespace character.
= Any character.
(suffix) = Gets as many characters as possible.
I won't write this function, but it essentially assigns each argument the corresponding argument defined in the 'values' array in a command's dictionary.
For example, for the speed command, it makes the first argument a player, and the second argument a number. I'm using 'valType' cause it looks cool (lol), and just organises everything better.
I understand this is very very very very very very complicated for beginners, so this will probably look very daunting (especially in the SH code block).
If you need some more help understanding parts of it, please ask.
Also note that this code is theoretical, so it may not work (I probably have made some typos, too)
Hope I helped!