A little example of what I am trying to do
Let me go further in depth.
I'm creating an FPS. The gun and arms are welded to the head. Inside the gun there is a part called main. I want to rotate the joint so that the gun is rotated in such a way that the main is always pointing to the camera's lookVector. I'm hoping the screenshot I showed above will help explain this in more detail.
I thought that I would need to use toObjectSpace()
but my attempt with this was a bit wacky.
I tried CF = Joint.C1:toObjectSpace(CFrame.new(Equipped.Main.CFrame.p, workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.lookVector))
My lack of understanding when it comes to some of the CFrame operators + the lack of documentation on ROBLOX's part when it comes to these operators is probably to blame here.
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