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A brick not falling to the ground?

Asked by 8 years ago

you might now how to but I new to the ROBLOX Studio and I was wonder is there a way to use a script to make the brick to not fall?

2 answers

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Answered by 8 years ago

Next time, make sure to include some code in your questions, and read the rules of the site.

Insert a script into the part.

-To make it NOT fall (Anchored)

1part = script.Parent -- Variable
3part.Anchored = true -- This line sets the part property "Anchored" to true (checked)

-To make it fall (Not Anchored)

1part = script.Parent -- Variable
3part.Anchored = false -- This line sets the part property "Anchored" to false (unchecked)
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Answered by 8 years ago

You don't need a script for this

just change the part's Anchored property to true or false to have it be fixed/fall

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