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Why is my brick not killing the player?

Asked by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

I have this brick that is on fire it is supposed to burn the player and hurt the player over time

heres the script

1function onTouched(part)
2    local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
3    if h ~= nil then
4        h.Health = h.Health - 1
5    end

But when the player isn't touching the brick it will not harm the player

to get this straight too I the player touches the brick it will harm them bt as soon as the stop touching the brick it will stop harming them

You're only subtracting one health... Perci1 4988 — 8y
Error? User#11440 120 — 8y
i want is to subtract 1 health every 1 second ik ill probably have to add a while true do statement tho skillfulzombie88 28 — 8y

3 answers

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

To do what you want, make sure the part's being touched and while it's being touched do the code,

01local part = script.Parent
03local function Check(c)
04    local parts = c:GetChildren()
05    local touching = part:GetTouchingParts()--Might be name
06    for i,v in next, touching do
07        for i2,v2 in next, parts do
08            if v2:IsA("BasePart") then
09                if v2 == v then
10                    return true;
11                end
12            end
13        end
14    end
15    return false;
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Probably won't work. Don't feel like explaining. User#11440 120 — 8y
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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

One way to do so is to make a for loop. We can get the player's health and make a decrement for loop.

Here is how it's done!

01local db = false
02local dbDelay = 3
04function onTouched(part)
05    local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
06    if db == true then
07        return
08    else
09        if h ~= nil then
10            db = true
11            local count = 0
12            for i = h.Health, 0, -1 do
13                h.Health = h.Health - 1 -- Subtracts the player's health by 1 every second. The number of times is based on the player's health.
14                count = count + 1
15                if count == dbDelay then
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The debounce is very useful in order to avoid health decreasing too quickly. That's all I have in mind. If you have any problems, please leave a comment below. Thank you and I hope this will help you.

yes it has the same issue ihave as soon as the player stops touching the brick it still harms the player whe they arent on the brick any fix to that? skillfulzombie88 28 — 8y
I think there is a disconnect function, you'll need to look on the wiki DeveloperSolo 370 — 8y
Probably a much better answer than mine. I'll leave mine up though. Feel free to downvote, anyone. User#11440 120 — 8y
wait... i thought the asker wanted to keep the effect as soon as the player touches the brick. Srry... starlebVerse 685 — 8y
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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

As you said in your comment, you want to subtract 1 health every second,

there are two main ways you can achieve this:

  1. While true do loop
01function onTouched(part)
02    local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
03    if h ~= nil then
04    while true do --sorry if I messed up on the while true do loop, haven't touched lua in a while
05            h.Health = h.Health - 1
06        wait(1)
07    end
08    end
  1. For loop
01function onTouched(part)
02    local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
03    if h ~= nil then
04        for = 100, 0, -1 do --sorry if I messed up how on the for loop, haven't touched lua in a while
05        h.Health = i
06        wait(1)
07    end
08    end

Any questions, comments or concerns? Put them in a comment and I'll answer them when I get it!

If I did anything wrong, please put it down in the comments and I'll fix it :)

Are there any better methods to doing this? Make sure to comment to inform us all :)

Don't know why it says 1. For loop. Whenever I go to edit it, it says 2, weird. DeveloperSolo 370 — 8y

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