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BillboardGUI, How can I disable them?

Asked by 8 years ago

I do not know much about scripting. I had some problems and I was wondering if I can get some help. Thank you for those who attempt to answer this question. I appreciate it.

Lets say, We had a model. That model, has a script, and a BillboardGUI. When that script is used, the BillboardGUI will become disabled.

script.parent.BillboardGUI.Enabled == false

Did I do this right?

Remember, "=" makes something equal to something. "==" checks if something if equal to something. "~=" checks if something is not equal to something. TheHospitalDev 1134 — 8y

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Answered by
Zeloi 40
8 years ago

Yes you did, you may want to wait for the billboardgui to be loaded to ensure that you do not see any errors. Also, the only case where you would use two equal signs is for if statements like so:

if a == true then

Your new code should look like this:

script.Parent:WaitForChild("BillboardGUI").Enabled = false

The reason we must wait for the gui to load is because all assets in the game are not loaded immediately.


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