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Is there a way to make 3D cursive fonts?

Asked by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

Please provide more explanation in your question. If you explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish, it will be much easier to answer your question correctly.

I was wondering if I can make 3D cursive fonts with the parts in Roblox. I wanted the signs in my place to look professional and realistic, and I wasn't sure if this kind of thing needed a script or not. But if it does I'd like to have it.

Supply more explanation, please. Perci1 4988 — 8y
If I am correct, you are attempting to create cursive text using parts/objects in ROBLOX. As this is a scripting/non-request site, we are unlikely to help you with building and requesting posts. TheHospitalDev 1134 — 8y
Not really, since cursive is a bit complicated SH_Helper 61 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by
RubenKan 3615 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
8 years ago

The best you can do is make all your text in MS Word and make it 3d in there, then upload it as an image to roblox. Roblox simpfully does not have support for 3D Fonts, so the only way is images.


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