"plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()
maps = game.Lighting:GetChildren()
numplrs = #plrs
p = print
function selectMAP()
selectedMap = maps[math.random(1,#maps)]
selectedMap.Parent = Workspace
game.Workspace.Timer.Value = 301
game.Workspace.Timer.Value = game.Workspace.Timer.Value - 1
until game.Workspace.Timer.Value == 0 or numplrs == 1
m = Instance.new("Message", Workspace) if numplrs == 1 then m.Text = plrs[1].." won." wait(5) m:Destroy() selectedMap:Destroy() script.Disabled = true end if game.Workspace.Timer.Value == 1 then m.Text = "Round ended. No one won." wait(5) m:Destroy() selectedMap:Destroy() script.Disabled = true end p'3'
end while wait() do for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v:LoadCharacter() then table.remove(plrs,i) p'4' end end end function tp() local spawns = selectedMap.Spawns for i = 1, numplrs do plrs[i]:MoveTo(spawns[i].Position) p'5' sword = game.ServerStorage["Sword"] end end if Workspace.GoReady.Value == true then selectMAP() p'6' tp() p'7' Workspace.GoReady.Value = false end" I do think something's wrong with it, because when we tested it, all that happened was we got respawned repeatedly. .-.