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Attempting to make a badge activated door?

Asked by 8 years ago

I want to make a VIP door only to be passed by those with a specific badge.

Is this the same as a gamepass door? just with the badge id?

(the heck is with the title rules xD)

where is your code? we need to know what you have so far in order to answer!!! starlebVerse 685 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by
Ae_ka 0
8 years ago

This is pretty easy, it's the same as GamepassService but just with BadgeService.

01local Door = game.Workspace.VipBadgeDoor --or you could just do script.Parent
03function onTouched(hit)
04    local human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
05    if (human ~= nil ) then
06        if game:GetService("BadgeService"):UserHasBadge(game.Players[human.Parent.Name].userId, script.Parent.BadgeID.Value) ~= false then 
07            Door.Transparency = 0.5 --you can change it if you'd like to
08            Door.CanCollide = false --player can walk through the door
09            wait(4) --the door will be open for 4 seconds
10            Door.CanCollide = true  --player cant walk through the door
11        end
12    end

Haven't tested this, but it should probably work.

Note: Make a IntValue in the door and name it BadgeID (or whatever you want to, you just have to change it in the script).

And for the door you can just make a big brick or something.

Just use the Copy to clipboard option on this website if you want to paste it in. Ae_ka 0 — 8y

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