Hello... I am making a GUI that uses InsertService:LoadAsset() to load Gear. This is what the GUI looks like.
StarterGUI [ScreenGui] AssetGui [Frame] ASSETFRAME [TextButton] GetAsset [TextBox] IDAsset ( text box to put asset Id in ) [TextLabel] Desc [TextLabel] Credit [Script] Loader:
-- InternalSequence gui = { assetId = script.Parent.IDAsset.Text; GetAsset = script.Parent.GetAsset.MouseButton1Click; stat = script.Parent.Desc; } function insert(id) -- OK. ser = game:GetService('InsertService') ser:LoadAsset(tonumber(id)) end function show(parent,texttoshow,delay) m = Instance.new('Message', parent) m.Text = texttoshow wait(delay) m:Remove() end script.Parent.GetAsset.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if script.Parent.IDAsset.Text == "" then show(script.Parent.Parent.Parent, 'This is not a valid ID!', 5) else -- 'animation' script.Parent.GetAsset:Remove() script.Parent.IDAsset:Remove() script.Parent.credit:Remove() print ' removed all others before anim ' --Y 0.15, -Y .25 gui.stat.Text = '[ LOADING ASSET ]' print ' changed to [loading asset] ' wait(0.2) --[[gui.stat.Position.Y.Scale = 0.200 this line is ugly and shall never be used]]-- for i=1,7 do print ('for loop...animation DOWN... loop# '..i..'/7') game.StarterGui.AssetGui.ASSETFRAME.Desc.Position = UDim2.new(0.25, 0, game.StarterGui.AssetGui.ASSETFRAME.Desc.Position.Y.Scale+0.05 , 0) wait(0) end print ' before insert, after DOWN loop' insert(tonumber(gui.assetId)); print ('[Note] assetId in gui looks like its '..gui.assetId) ser = game:GetService('InsertService') ser:LoadAsset(tonumber(gui.assetId)) print 'done insert(tonumber(gui.assetId))' wait(2) print 'wait 2' for i = 1,7 do print('for loop... animation UP... loop# '..i..'/7') game.StarterGui.AssetGui.ASSETFRAME.Desc.Position=UDim2.new(0.25, 0, game.StarterGui.AssetGui.ASSETFRAME.Desc.Position.Y.Scale-0.05, 0) wait(0) end game.ServerStorage.AssetGui.GetAsset:Clone().Parent = script.Parent game.ServerStorage.AssetGui.IDAsset:Clone().Parent = script.Parent game.ServerStorage.AssetGui.credit:Clone().Parent = script.Parent print ' restoring others ' gui.stat.Text = '[ ASSET ID: ]' print'changed back to [asset id]' end end)