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How do I play music when my leaderboard stat changes?

Asked by
GunCoo 0
8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

I am making a checkpoint game and, I would like to have different music playing after the player reaches each checkpoint. I have created this script and placed it in the StaterGui so the music doesn't overlap other players progress. Here is the script so far.. I cannot figure out why this isn't working

1local lvl = game.workspace:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
3if lvl.Name == 1 then script.child.1:Play()
5    script.child.1:Stop()

The child 1 of the script is the Sound (Music) that I want to play. I know I have some dumb mistake in this code so any help would work. Thanks

Either way it still worked. Just change the script to fit and mix it with my script and it'll work. EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 8y

3 answers

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

What the problem is

You cannot compare Name which is a string or text value with a number. Either put quotation marks around the 1. Actually, I don't think you're really allowed to name an object a number because the script would get confused. So to be extra safe, change all the names from number values like "1" to named versions like "one".

[Edit]: It errors when an object is named a number and you're trying to code with it. Note that objects can have numbers in their name as long as it's after a letter. So "A1" would work print(A1) but "1A" wouldn't print(workspace.1A).

If you're using something thought something like FindFirstChild or WaitForChild or any other method to find an object from a string, the number placement doesn't matter. But if you're doing it the normal way: workspace.1A, that would error. workspace["1A"] wouldn't.

Final Product

1local lvl = workspace:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
2--ROBLOX is CaSe SeNsItIvE!! If you're doing game.Workspace make sure the W is capitalized, otherwise just get rid of "game." altogether and just make it say "workspace" with a lowercase w.
3if lvl.Name == "One" then script.child.One:Play()
5    script.child.One:Stop()
7--Change the names from 1 to One, 2 to Two and etc.

Hope it helps!

Ok this did help because that was one problem that I had with my script. Although I still didn't get it to work and that is my fault because I did a bad job explaining this problem. Somehow i need local lvl to findfirstchild "leaderstats" In the player under the players section in the explorer. Then instead of finding lvl.Name , it should be finding lvl.Value because 1 is the stage the player is a GunCoo 0 — 8y
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Answered by 8 years ago
1local lvl = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
3if lvl.Value == 1 then
4    script.child.["1"]:Play()
6    script.child.["1"]:Stop()

Hope it helps, actually, Its level.Value since you make the leader stats change by modifying the number, not the name. hope it helps :)

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Answered by 8 years ago

im pretty sure this is why but I may be wrong should be like

1local lvl = game.workspace:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
3if lvl.Value == 1 then
4script.child.["1"]:Play(00) -- 00 should be changed to the id of the song
6script.child.["1"]:Stop(00)-- the same id used in the play part of this script

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