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My platform position keep falling, how can I fix this?

Asked by 8 years ago

Remember the "How-To" video series?, I tried to do the "Moving platform" part from the video, but it didn't work, the platform move perfectly, but when I try to stand on the platform, this happen: (

Here the script too :

local model = script.Parent local platform = model.Platform local start = model.Start local finish = model.Finish local bodyPosition = platform.BodyPosition

while true do bodyPosition.Position = start.Position wait(6) bodyPosition.Position = finish.Position wait(6) end

Here also the video link : (

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

It's because the objecti s staying in place because it's in equilibrilum meaning the force pushing down is the same pushing up so the object has a velocity of 0.

Robloxs physics is pretty decent when distributing weight so when you land on the part the force pushing down is added with your weight and overcomes the force pushing up making the velocity of the part effectively the weight of your character.


So, how do I fix it? MArzalAlBuchariZ 33 — 8y
Setting the BodyPosition's max y force or something should do fine. Mess around with the BodyPosition's properties, basically. User#11440 120 — 8y
I love it when people explain in these ways, makes you have to think for a minute. yougottols1 420 — 8y

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