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How would i fade out music without making everything else in the game wait?

Asked by
Ae_ka 0
8 years ago

So i tried using a simple and easy method:

trackl:Play() wait (15) --how long to wait until it needs to fade out trackl.Volume=0.9 wait(.3) mosik.Volume=0.8 wait(.3)

and so on... but because im using wait it pauses everything in the scripya know..

is there a way to do it without making everything in the script wait?

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Answered by 8 years ago

Yes there is and the simplest way would be to use Spawn usage example here.

Example only:-

2    trackl:Play()
3    wait (15)
4    trackl.Volume=0.9
5    wait(.3)
6    mosik.Volume=0.8
7     wait(.3)

I hope this helps.

Thanks it helped! But how do i make the fade smooth? Ae_ka 0 — 8y

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