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What am I doing wrong here with the lerping animation?

Asked by 7 years ago

Alright so, I'm making a bolting animation. This is my first time using lerp to do the animations. I have it all in a renderstepped loop. My issue is when trying to animate the arm more than once in the same animation. So as you can see, I'll have the LAW lerp, then a wait(1.5), and another LAW lerp, but that seems to screw it up. Please help :/

if bolting then
        LAW.C1 = LAW.C1:lerp(, -1.35303414, 0.172146678, -0.344002008, 3.40938568e-005, 0.938969612, -0.900155485, -0.28455627, -0.329771221, 0.26717782, -0.958659947, 0.0979177952), 0.1)
        LAW.C1 = LAW.C1:lerp(, -1.64375865, 0.285239309, -0.344002008, 3.40938568e-005, 0.938969612, -0.900155485, -0.28455627, -0.329771221, 0.26717782, -0.958659947, 0.0979177952), 0.1)
        SlideW.C1 = SlideW.C1:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0.1)
        LAW.C1 = LAW.C1:lerp(, -1.35303414, 0.172146678, -0.344002008, 3.40938568e-005, 0.938969612, -0.900155485, -0.28455627, -0.329771221, 0.26717782, -0.958659947, 0.0979177952), 0.1)
        SlideW.C1 = SlideW.C1:lerp(, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), 0.1)     
        cg.HRP.Base.C1 = cg.HRP.Base.C1:lerp(, 0.1)
Oh gosh, those numbers are killing my eyes.... KingLoneCat 2642 — 7y
Lol. I use the CFrame matrix. iDev_Percy 45 — 7y
Too many numbers,lol. I honestly don't have the patience to break that logic down and fix it at the moment. :( Reshiram110 147 — 7y
boiii LegitimatlyMe 519 — 7y
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You don't' even need to pay attention to the numbers. I just don't know how to make a single animation using lerp. iDev_Percy 45 — 7y
use the animation editor LegitimatlyMe 519 — 7y
iDev_Percy, do not make your own animations. Even the professional lua programmers recommend you use the animation editor because making your own animation is not only a pain in the ass. It's VERY difficult you need to understand how Vectors and Scalars quantities work(which you won't learn till probably physics) and how CoordinateFrame works in RBX. Lua. KingLoneCat 2642 — 7y
... King. If I didn't know how to do my own animations easily, I wouldn't be trying it. I can make my own animations very well. Like I said, I'm trying to use lerp and I don't know how to use more than 1 lerp function in one animation. iDev_Percy 45 — 7y
Lerp wasn't specifically made for character animations. Just saying... KingLoneCat 2642 — 7y
Here is a question I asked about lerp which I found to be very very helpful in making my understand how the :Lerp() method worked. KingLoneCat 2642 — 7y
Show us the script that goes with this (the one in server storage device) and then we could get a clearer understanding of your problem blueboy90780 74 — 7y

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