Hello, fellow scripters; I made a script(complicated to explain) I was trying to do an experiment or [how would it work] So i did the 'Button1Down' which whenever you click on any part of your screen it would print something. Normally:
1 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
2 | local mouse = player:GetMouse() |
3 | repeat wait() until player |
4 |
5 | function button() |
6 | print ( "Down" ) |
7 | end |
8 | mouse.Button 1 Down:connect(button) |
Similar to that: The thing i was willing to find out is [how] From the center of your screen, how will i let my output print 'hi' whenever i click the upper part of the screen instead of clicking "anywhere" on my screen. [Only the upper part; starting from the center]
I would appreciate your help, i can't find the proper term for it and was not able to find any results from google from my own words.
Good question. Theres actually two ways to do this, one with math and other using GUIs (as NathanTheDeveloper stated).
Math method Simply check if the mouses' Y Value is below half of the viewport size for upper side, or above half for lower side. Essentially, what i mean in 1 simple line:
1 | if mouse.Y < (mouse.ViewSizeY / 2 ) then /*code*/ end |
mouse.ViewSizeY expresses the viewport size - the window screen.
GUI method While this is probably easy to figure out yourself, I'll give you a little hint. Make a GUI Button in the upper half of the screen. This is a complicated workaround and not worth the use; I'd recommend the math method ;).