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1kill 1 player point script help?

Asked by 11 years ago

Does anybody knows how to make this script? I´ve been looking everywhere and this is my last resource of getting help with this, please help me.

1 answer

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Answered by
Maxomega3 106
11 years ago

You should post an attempt before asking this. Without one, it could potentially sound like a request.

Here's what I can offer: The Wiki page. I would've shown you an example of Games (aka Sorcus) using it, but he re-copylocked ROBLOX Battle. Good luck!

Thanks :D biocommand 30 — 11y
No problem! Just remember that if someone answers your question you and that person will get reputation if you accept their answer. There should be a button for it near the voting on the answer. (Trying to get the rank of contributor :3) Maxomega3 106 — 11y

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