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"Image Label Is not a valid member of billboard GUI"?

Asked by 8 years ago

I'm working on a roblox billboard GUI and I put in the Image label, when I run it the image doesn't appear. I also added the onTouch to appear the characters name and image. When I test it nothing loads? Here's the code:

local Brick = script.Parent.Parent.Parent

local Picture = script.Parent.UserImage

local User = script.Parent.Username

function onTouch(Object) -- Declares "Object" as the object that triggered the touch event.

local Character = Object.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

if (Character ~= nil)then -- Make sure that Character, the humanoid, exsists.

local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Object.Parent)-- Declare a local for the humanoid of Object, therefor a character.

if (Player ~= nil)then -- Make sure that the Player exsists.

Picture.Image = "http".. Player.Name -- Set the Image of picture with users profile Picture

User.Text = Player.Name -- Set the text of user to the users name.




script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch) -- Connect a Touch Event on Brick with our function.

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Answered by 8 years ago

Firstly, I do recommend using the 'Code Block' next time you ask a question.

You haven't defined anything by the name "Image Label"/called anything with the name "Image Label", so I don't understand how you got this error.

One solution I'm guessing might help is: When you insert an ImageLabel, ROBLOX names it as "ImageLabel" not "Image Label", in your title you said the error was "Image Label" so maybe you added a space somewhere by mistake?

But ultimately, your code that you pasted does not link up with the error you are receiving.

Good luck anyways.


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