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How would I disable the collision of a NPC with a humanoid?

Asked by 8 years ago

I'm trying to make an NPC, that has a humanoid, cancollide false. From the research I've done, as well as messing around myself, I've noticed you can't actually make them cancollide false normally. I've seen a couple of things talking about how to do it for a player, and tried those on the NPC, but they only work in studio, not an actual server. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Give us the script you used. User#11440 120 — 8y
Why not disable the CanCollide property of all the RightArm LeftArm etc, of the Player manually via a script in StarterPlayerScripts? lacikaturai 89 — 8y
Also make the bottomsurface of the legs welds so the player doesent fall through the baseplate if thats what your going at. lacikaturai 89 — 8y

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