For example, if a person was on the blue team and they died, which changed them to the red team, what script would allow the game to recognize that there are no more players on the blue team and then execute commands.
Here's what I've tried
player.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() player.TeamColor ="Earth green") if #game.Teams.TeamA:GetPlayers() < 1 then -- run code for what happens when it reaches 0 end end)
You can let it know by just creating an Death Script and an LeaveSCriot . Watch Alvinblox on YouTube , he made a complete sword fight with everything. I think on episode 4 or 5 or 6 he made both scripts. Very small but useful! :) glad to help. And I can't write it for you cuz I'm not on Pc right now ^^