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HTTPService help! Php Explain?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

Can someone explain me about PHP and how do I make a PHP file? for printing something from an group shout to the output

Why this won't work tho...

------Php File---------------

echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(''))

------Another script [separate]---------

local phpScript = game.HttpService:GetAsync('I need an site to get proxy links too.. would've help me a lot but I got from someone but it doesn't seems to work.')

And i'm getting errors both in Test and server test.

Telling me how to make the PHP script would've help me a lot! or explaining...

And also why it doesn't work.

2 answers

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Answered by 7 years ago

I tested both your scripts using a local server connecting to localhost and both work just fine, but I think what you want is a proxy.

What you can use is an already existing proxy such as this one. I haven't used any proxies before (in fact this is my first time using HttpService) but it appears to be very good.

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Answered by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

I don't know much about HTTP service, but the problem seems like your string.

--What you did:
local phpScript = game.HttpService:GetAsync('I need an site to get proxy links too.. would've help me a lot but I got from someone but it doesn't seems to work.')
--What you should of done:
local phpScript = game.HttpService:GetAsync("I need an site to get proxy links too.. would've help me a lot but I got from someone but it doesn't seems to work.")

Hope this helps

I don't see anything that is different here? Nullstudio 32 — 7y
In the string he used different quotations. However, in your string you used the apostrophes twice in the string so it stopped thinking of that as a string from the word "would" and on-wards. KingLoneCat 2642 — 7y
Can anyone still tell me how do I use the proxy site IDidMakeThat gave me? I tried but it won't work. Nullstudio 32 — 7y

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