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What is the use of "lerp" in humanoid movement?

Asked by 7 years ago
if (target.Torso.Position - targetStart).magnitude < 0.5 then
                    local pos = previous:lerp(point, .5)
                    local moveDir = ((pos - zombie.Torso.Position).unit * 2)
                    goToPos(previous:lerp(point, 0.5))
                    previous = point

`What do you use lerp for? I know that is linear interpretation, but I don't really know how to use it? Do you really it?

2 answers

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
7 years ago

I can't exactly tell you, since your goToPos function is not defined in your code snippet, but in general, lerp is used to define tweening.

Teleportation movement, i.e. CFrame manipulation or Model:MoveTo() requires tweening using lerp (CFrame:lerp() and Vector3:lerp(), respectively.) (Yes, they are different) in order to have this movement occur over time, rather than instantly.

That, most basically, looks like this:

local part ="Part", workspace)

local start =*CFrame.Angles(math.random(), 0, math.random())
local goal =,15,15)*CFrame.Angles(0, math.random(), 0)

local heartbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat --the fastest wait available on the Server.
--On the client, RenderStepped is "faster" is some cases, but heartbeat is still preferred for non-visual 'tween's, or for less important time-delayed motion.

local st = tick()
local dur = 5
while true do
    local et = tick() - st
    if et > dur then et = dur end --prevents "overshooting"

    part.CFrame = start:lerp(goal, et/dur)

    if et >= dur then break end

In terms of Humanoid movement, doing this is redundant as setting the Humanoid's WalkToPoint does not teleport the Humanoid's Model. Without the rest of the code, it's impossible to determine why the original scripter used lerp in this case.

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Answered by
Jiptix 2
7 years ago

Lerp, short for linear interpolation, is a mathematical technique for producing intermediate states between a start and an endpoint. It is related to tweening.

For a single variable, we can define

function lerp(a, b, t)
    return a * (1-t) + (b*t)

By definition, for all implementations of lerp:

lerp(a, b, 0) == a
lerp(a, b, 1) == b
lerp(a, b, x) == lerp(b, a, 1-x)

Two roblox types have a lerp method:

Vector3.Lerp — interpolates all three components as above
CFrame.lerp — uses quaternion slerp to interpolate orientations, and linear interpolation to interpolate positions
For which the previous identities still hold:

vecA:Lerp(vecB, 0) == vecA
vecA:Lerp(vecB, 1) == vecB

cfA:lerp(cfB, 0) == cfA
cfA:lerp(cfB, 1) == cfB
Sorry, but I can't understand what is the use of it. You are just giving me the "How" to use it, but I need the "What" for it's use? MinHoang 49 — 7y
I'm not saying your equation is wrong, but there's another one that also works. a + (b - a)*t Perci1 4988 — 7y

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