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How do I make it so I can detect what side of the mouse a brick is touching?

Asked by
mxpvjn 75
8 years ago

I need to know how I can detect which surface of a part the mouse is on.

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

First of all, think basic. There is a position a part has, and there is a position Mouse has. In any other conditions, if X's absolute value is bigger than Y and Z's absolute values, it means Mouse is at right surface or left surface of part. Then, if X is negative, it's left, if X is positive, it's right. So if there is non-rotated part and a Mouse touching to the part:

Surface = nil
if math.abs(X) > math.abs(Y) and math.abs(X) > math.abs(Z) then
    if X < 0 then
        Surface = "Left"
        Surface = "Right"
elseif math.abs(Y) > math.abs(X) and math.abs(Y) > math.abs(Z) then
    if Y < 0 then
        Surface = "Bottom"
        Surface = "Top"
elseif math.abs(Z) > math.abs(X) and math.abs(Z) > math.abs(Y) then
    if Z < 0 then
        Surface = "Front"
        Surface = "Back"

Now, let's say part is rotated. It looks much harder now, right? Yep, it is. But we can cheat to make it easier :)

Let's say there is a rotated part, so we will need basic CFrame info, and some other basic info about model's primary part speciality.

model ="Model")
model.Name = "SurfaceFinder"
MP = Player.Character.Humanoid.TargetPoint      --Mouse's Position
PP = Part.Position                                  --Part's Position

Part1 = Part:Clone()
Part1.Parent = model
Part2 ="Part")
Part2.Position = MP

model.PrimaryPart = Part1

After doing this, you need to use which surface of Part2 touching at Part1

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to change the script at first code block to make it work with part's size, otherwise it will tell you wrong surface of the part.

If it helps, would you mind to give a rep? :) superalp1111 662 — 8y
ok mxpvjn 75 — 4y

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