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How come my GUI text changes aren't displaying?

Asked by 8 years ago

Hey there, my issue is pretty confusing.

I'm using this local script to get a table from a remote event containing well over 3 entries, but just using the first three, getting them, and changing it on a display bar. For some reason, on the display bar, it doesn't change in-game, yet it still prints out what it was changed to. Anyone know my issue? Am I using the wrong method or something?

01local rEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("rEvent")
02local currencyGui = game.StarterGui.displayBar
05    if savedTable then
06        currencyGui.aAmount.Text = savedTable[1]
07        currencyGui.bAmount.Text = savedTable[2]
08        currencyGui.cAmount.Text = savedTable[3]
09    else
10        currencyGui.aAmount.Text = "ERR"
11        currencyGui.bAmount.Text = "ERR"
12        currencyGui.cAmount.Text = "ERR"
13        print(currencyGui.aAmount.Text)
14    end

No errors output in console, just the values that are printed.

2 answers

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Answered by
udoxas 75
8 years ago

Your problem is you're changing the StarterGui, not the player's PlayerGui. Rookie mistake. If you reset after those changes, you will see the changes.

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Answered by 8 years ago

Easy mistake, Just change it to playergui!

01local rEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("rEvent")
02local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
03local Gui = Player:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
04local currencyGui = Gui .displayBar
07    if savedTable then
08        currencyGui.aAmount.Text = savedTable[1]
09        currencyGui.bAmount.Text = savedTable[2]
10        currencyGui.cAmount.Text = savedTable[3]
11    else
12        currencyGui.aAmount.Text = "ERR"
13        currencyGui.bAmount.Text = "ERR"
14        currencyGui.cAmount.Text = "ERR"
15        print(currencyGui.aAmount.Text)
16    end

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