Hey there, my issue is pretty confusing.
I'm using this local script to get a table from a remote event containing well over 3 entries, but just using the first three, getting them, and changing it on a display bar. For some reason, on the display bar, it doesn't change in-game, yet it still prints out what it was changed to. Anyone know my issue? Am I using the wrong method or something?
01 | local rEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild( "rEvent" ) |
02 | local currencyGui = game.StarterGui.displayBar |
03 |
04 | rEvent.OnClientEvent:connect( function (savedTable) |
05 | if savedTable then |
06 | currencyGui.aAmount.Text = savedTable [ 1 ] |
07 | currencyGui.bAmount.Text = savedTable [ 2 ] |
08 | currencyGui.cAmount.Text = savedTable [ 3 ] |
09 | else |
10 | currencyGui.aAmount.Text = "ERR" |
11 | currencyGui.bAmount.Text = "ERR" |
12 | currencyGui.cAmount.Text = "ERR" |
13 | print (currencyGui.aAmount.Text) |
14 | end |
15 | end ) |
No errors output in console, just the values that are printed.
Your problem is you're changing the StarterGui, not the player's PlayerGui. Rookie mistake. If you reset after those changes, you will see the changes.
Easy mistake, Just change it to playergui!
01 | local rEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild( "rEvent" ) |
02 | local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | local Gui = Player:WaitForChild( 'PlayerGui' ) |
04 | local currencyGui = Gui .displayBar |
05 |
06 | rEvent.OnClientEvent:connect( function (savedTable) |
07 | if savedTable then |
08 | currencyGui.aAmount.Text = savedTable [ 1 ] |
09 | currencyGui.bAmount.Text = savedTable [ 2 ] |
10 | currencyGui.cAmount.Text = savedTable [ 3 ] |
11 | else |
12 | currencyGui.aAmount.Text = "ERR" |
13 | currencyGui.bAmount.Text = "ERR" |
14 | currencyGui.cAmount.Text = "ERR" |
15 | print (currencyGui.aAmount.Text) |
16 | end |
17 | end ) |