My Music Gui Only works in Studio! The Music only works in studio! Help?
So... My music gui is not really working.... So the thing with this Gui is, theres the screen gui, then the script, then folders showing the song name that appears on the screen, and then a Sound and a sound ID Under that, Here is the Script, is there anything that i can do to fix this? Its working Perfectly in Studio, and also, The Now playing name that appers on the top of the screen with the folder name works on Player as well. the souund just does not play, thats the only problem!
The Folder name initially is Music, then every folder under that is the name of the song that appears on the Top of the screen, then in each folder is the Sound, with the sound id
01 | local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
03 | Songs = script [ "Music" ] :GetChildren() |
11 | Random = Songs [ math.random( 1 ,#Songs) ] |
13 | script.Parent.Playing.Playing.Text = Selected.Name |
15 | for i = 1 ,#Selected:GetChildren(), 1 do |
16 | Selected:GetChildren() [ i ] :Play() |
17 | wait(Selected:GetChildren() [ i ] .Duration.Value-MTL) |
21 | while true do Song() end |
23 | Player.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect( function () |
24 | for Index,A in pairs (Selected:GetChildren()) do |