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Question about get requests, and how many is too many?

Asked by
Notwal 2
8 years ago

I made a JS script that does some stuff involving getting data from each server in a roblox game, which obviously involves a lot of get requests/second. I was wondering how many requests/second is too much, basically where is the line between what looks like a DDoS attack and what doesn't.

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

If you check the wiki page, you will see that you are limited to 500 requests per minute per server. This equates to about 8 requests per second, which is generally more than enough for most applications of the HttpService. Any requests made after that will simply fail. Also note that this number is (as far as I know) shared with POST requests too.

I was not talking about sending get requests via roblox game sever, I was talking about a script inserted into chrome console. Notwal 2 — 8y
I'm not exactly sure how you would even go about that; in that case I would have the servers send POST requests to a web server which then handles the input.. IDidMakeThat 1135 — 8y

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