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How to solve the error that prevents you from talking to npc twice?

Asked by
thortol 22
8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

09:51:39.912 - Infinite yield possible on 'RobloxReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SetDialogInUse")' 09:51:39.917 - Stack Begin 09:51:39.918 - Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/MainBotChatScript2', Line 71 09:51:39.919 - Stack End

I see this error and it prevents me from talking to npcs twice.How do I fix this problem?

EDIT: I tried disabling all the npcs script but it still doesn't work. Even npcs without any scripts don't work. They used to work before the glitch and it also works in studio but not in the normal game.

Why do you think this "error" is the problem? User#11440 120 — 8y

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