--Variables repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") Death = repStorage:WaitForChild("d") repeat wait() until game:GetService("Players") Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer Mouse = Player:GetMouse() char = Player.Character Humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:wait() HumanoidRoot = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") Health = Character.Humanoid.Health --Fire That Server Boy Death:FireAllClients() --function if Health <= 5 then function onTouch(hit) local Human = script.Parent.findFirstChild("Humanoid") local Target = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Human.Parent) if Human then local KillButton = Instance.new("ScreenGui") KillButton.Name = "KillButton" KillButton.Parent = Target.PlayerGui local KillButton2 = Instance.new("TextButton") KillButton2.Parent = KillButton KillButton2.Position = UDim2.new(0.2,0,0.8,0) KillButton2.Name = "Kill" KillButton2.Text = "Kill" KillButton2.FontSize = "Size36" KillButton2.Font = "SourceSansItalic" KillButton2.Style = "RobloxRoundDropdownButton" local SaveButton = Instance.new("ScreenGui") SaveButton.Name = "SaveButton" local SaveButton2 = Instance.new("TextBox") SaveButton.Parent = Target.PlayerGui SaveButton2.Parent = SaveButton SaveButton2.Position = UDim2.new(0.6,0,0.8,0) SaveButton2.Name = "Save" SaveButton2.Style = "RobloxRoundDropdownButton" SaveButton2.Text = "Save" SaveButton2.FontSize = "Size36" SaveButton2.Font = "SourceSansItalic" local WorkKill = game.ServerStorage.KillButtonScript:Clone() WorkKill.Parent = KillButton2 WorkKill.Disabled = false local WorkSave = game.ServerStorage.SaveButtonScript:Clone() WorkSave.Parent = SaveButton2 WorkSave.Disabled = false end end char.Torso.Touched:connect(onTouch) end
It's supposed to give the player who touches the body of the dead player (Player under five health which is dead on the floor that I have another script for.) 2 GUIs, one that says kill and another one that says save. The GUI's don't show up at all.