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ROBLOX U Stickmasterluke's Mad Bloxxer Tutorial "Unable to cast value to Object" Not working again?

Asked by 8 years ago

OK, so earlier I asked a question about the stickmasterluke mad bloxxer tutorial. I got help from that, fixed it, and moved on. Now there is another error saying: "12:35:53.396 - Unable to cast value to Object" and I was thinking, is it because of FiringClient?

Here is what I have for the error:

--give players tools
                local backpack = player:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
                if backpack then

                    if player == knifeman then
                        local knife = ss:WaitForChild("Knife"):clone()
                        knife.Parent = backpack
                        event:FireClient("Class", "Knifeman")

                    elseif player == officer then
                        local revolver = ss:WaitForChild("Revolver"):clone()
                        revolver.Parent = backpack
                        event:FireClient("Class", "Officer")

                        event:FireClient("Class", "Innocent")

so it says that error on the "event:FireClient" parts. So is it something wrong? I added varibles for serverstorage to make it ss. Anyone know the problem and how should I fix it?

The first paramater of 'FireClient' must be the client or the event does not know who to sent the information to. You currently are trying to cast 'string' to a player object hence the error. User#5423 17 — 8y

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Answered by 8 years ago

Check the Wiki

A quick search on the Wiki for FireClient pulls up the API reference for RemoteEvent:FireClient, which just so happens to be the function giving you the error.

As Kingdom mentions, your Player argument is a string rather than a Player, and is therefore giving you an error. The solution is to provide a Player as the first argument so that it knows who to tell.

--give players tools
                local backpack = player:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
                if backpack then

                    if player == knifeman then
                        local knife = ss:WaitForChild("Knife"):clone()
                        knife.Parent = backpack
                        event:FireClient(player, "Class", "Knifeman")

                    elseif player == officer then
                        local revolver = ss:WaitForChild("Revolver"):clone()
                        revolver.Parent = backpack
                        event:FireClient(player, "Class", "Officer")

                        event:FireClient(player, "Class", "Innocent")

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