I have tried the general way of adding in a sound but with a bit of a change. I inserted a Sound into a Part and did all I needed there. Then I added a local script to the Sound. In the Local Script I typed the Sound Script. (Sorry I can't find my note pad so I can't type the script.) And when I tested it, I did not hear any Sound.
Sorry I am very new to Scripting. If anyone answers please make it as detailed as possible. I apologize for not having the Script, but I know it was something like 'game. Workspace. Sound()'.
The best way to do this is make a brick have the sound inside of it, and make the MaxDistance value to your liking's. I do not think there is another way to do this, I mean, there probably is but this is probably the easiest way to do it.
Use this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI5OoyCwbu4 he does a good job with the sound scripting etc. I suggest however you start learning to script via roblox api or roblox wiki. Make a plan of what you are going to do and the key elements involved. Example if i was doing a health script, the main parts are the Humanoid, the gui that the player would see and the type of script needed (local or normal) then research on those key compo nets and their properties. Only post questions if you have tried to script/ made a attempt. This is scripting helpers! not givers!.
I do have my own sound block if you'd like me to post the code here. I can also explain how it works within the script as well if you'd like.