I’m having difficulty creating a script, where if you walk onto a certain part, holding an item, a GUI will pop up. Anybody able to help me?
Assuming "holding an item" means "with a tool equipped" then you can do this (putting the script in the part they walk on)
local toolname = "Sword" -- What they should be holding when stepping on the part script.Parent.Touched:connect( function(hit) if hit.Parent then local player = Game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if player then if player.Character:FindFirstChild(toolname) then -- make the GUI show -- try putting the GUI you want to show up in ReplicatedStorage then inserting it into the player's PlayerGui here end end end end)
Try this
function onTouch() Tool = game.Starterpack.Toolname --Change toolname to the name of the tool if Tool.Equipped == true then if Player.Touched == true then if guiname.Visible == false then -- replace guiname with the name of the gui wait(0.5) guiname.Visible = true end onTouch:connect end onTouch()
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