How do I get my round system and intermission timer to work?
I have a script made to count down on a timer with a top bar that counts down on an intermission and then deletes the lobby and clones the map under it, so players end up on the map. However,my script doesn't AT ALL, as the top bar doesn't countdown, and the map doesn't spawn, please help.
01 | local repstorage = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
02 | local status = repstorage:WaitforChild( "StatusValue" ) |
07 | status.Value = "Intermission: " ..i |
11 | status.Value = "Game in progress" |
12 | local map = game.ServerStorage.Flatlands |
13 | local Lobby = game.ServerStorage.Lobby |
14 | map:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace |
16 | game.Workspace.Lobby:Destroy() |
19 | Lobby:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace |
21 | game.Workspace.Flatlands:Destroy() |
22 | status.Value = "Game over" |
script in top bar:
1 | local repstorage = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
2 | local status = repstorage:WaitforChild( "StatusValue" ) |
4 | script.Parent.Text = status.Value |
5 | status.Changed:connect( function () |
6 | script.Parent.Text = status.Value |