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Help making a playerlist table?

Asked by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

So I'm trying to apply/test my beginner knowledge and I appear to have gotten stuck. What I'm trying to explore is the game.Players:GetPlayers() method/function.

I'm guessing that if I call that function after a player is leaving, it will return a table without the player that left? I'm assuming I'm wrong because it doesn't seem to be working. If that's the case, then I'd like some help on how to do exactly that.

Furthermore, an error prompts when the PlayerRemoving event is called, simply saying "An error has occurred" and doesn't print the table.

01playerservice = game:GetService("Players")
03function print_table(tab) -- I want to print out what's in the table
04    for i,v in ipairs(tab) do
05        local val = tostring(v)
06        print("i = "..i.." v= "..val)
07    end
11    print_table(playerservice:GetPlayers())
14    print_table(playerservice:GetPlayers())

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Answered by 8 years ago
Edited 8 years ago

I'm not sure if your way would work or if there was a way to make it work, but what I do is this. Idk why really you are using a service called "Players" being as you could just do game.Players to access it.

01plr = {} -- The table for the players
02p = game.Players:GetPlayers() -- This is basically just used so you can get a list of all of the players
04for i = 1,#p do
05    table.insert(plr, p[i]) -- Takes the list of all people and inserts them into the table called "plr"
08function getNumber(obj) -- this function will be used to get who left
09    for i = 1,#plr do -- go through all the players
10        if plr[i]==obj then -- if the person in the list is the one you are looking for
11            return i -- return that certain person
12        end
13    end
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Then you could use the list of players for different things such as making custom player lists, which I actually used this for.

If this helped please remember to mark it as answered, if not then please message me or comment so I can know what I could do better for you!

Ah, many thanks! Thank you for explaining it. SketchTitan 40 — 8y
No problem mate. Happy scripting! RockerCaleb1234 282 — 8y

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