I am making a "Climb 14,000 Stairs" Obby, and it actually has 13,900 + Stairs. I was wondering, if it was possible that when a Player leaves, it saves where the Player's location is?
There is quite a simple way to do this, you could either use DataStore or DataPersistence to save the Torso's CFrame/Vector3. When you load the Vector3/CFrame of the Torso, you should place the Torso at that position and the player should be able to carry on from his original position.
Hope I helped.
A way you can do this that has the lowest chance of failure is using 3 things with the saving. You would use something like.
Player:SaveNumber("SaveX",Character.Torso.X) Player:SaveNumber("SaveY",Character.Torso.Y) Player:SaveNumber("SaveZ",Character.Torso.Z)