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How do I hide/remove the new roblox health bar? [closed]

Asked by
Voltoxus 248 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

The new update moved the health bar to the coregui I assume how do I disable the leaderboard, Healthbar, and Backpack bar?

Locked by Marios2, docrobloxman52, HungryJaffer, and User#5978

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1 answer

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Answered by
Merely 2122 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

EDIT: Note that it has to be done from a local script.

Thanks Voltoxus 248 — 10y
If your question is answered you should click the button to accept it as an answer. Merely 2122 — 10y
I don't think he'll read this, but if you want to disable them all (Chat, Leaderboard, Backpack and Health) you can replace the Health in Merely's script with all. Mystdar 352 — 10y