RopeConstraints not showing physical rope, just imaginary?
I have been trying to use the new RopeConstraint class to create Balloons but there is no visible rope between the parts. Here is what I have so far:
03 | local NewBaloon = "Part" ) |
04 | NewBaloon.Name = "Balloon" |
05 | NewBaloon.Shape = "Ball" |
06 | NewBaloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() |
07 | NewBaloon.Position = script.Parent.Handle.Position + Vector 3. new( 0 , 5 , 0 ) |
08 | NewBaloon.Size = Vector 3. new( 2 , 2 , 2 ) |
09 | NewBaloon.CanCollide = true |
10 | NewBaloon.BottomSurface = "Smooth" |
11 | NewBaloon.TopSurface = "Smooth" |
12 | NewBaloon.Material = "SmoothPlastic" |
13 | NewBaloon.Parent = script.Parent.Balloons |
15 | local NewBaloonAttachment = "Attachment" ) |
16 | NewBaloonAttachment.Parent = NewBalloon |
18 | local NewPlayerAttachment = "Attachment" ) |
19 | NewPlayerAttachment.Parent = script.Parent.Handle |
21 | local NewBaloonRopeConstraint = "RopeConstraint" ) |
22 | NewBaloonRopeConstraint.Attachment 0 = NewPlayerAttachment |
23 | NewBaloonRopeConstraint.Attachment 1 = NewBaloonAttachment |
24 | NewBaloonRopeConstraint.Parent = script.Parent.Handle |
25 | local Helium = script.Parent.BodyForce:Clone() |
26 | Helium.Parent = NewBalloon |
29 | script.Parent.Activated:connect(Activated) |
Any help as to why the rope isn't showing will be greatly appreciated!