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Script that makes other parts get destroyed if touched by the unanchored part, help?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

So i have a part named Meteor, and added this script inside it to make it fall and when it hits other parts they disappear. Though it doesn't work, can anyone help me with my problem?

local coolbrick ="Part", game.Workspace) = "Meteor")
coolbrick.Anchored = False
    local boom ="Explosion", game.Workspace)
    boom.Position = poop.Position
Are you wanting the parts to get deleted? Async_io 908 — 7y

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Answered by
Async_io 908 Moderation Voter
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

Let start with the errors.

Line 1: Instance should be capitalized.

--The correct syntax should be,

Line2: = 'Meteor'). Name should be capitalized, and the parenthesis is unnecessary.

--The correct syntax should be, 
coolbrick.Name = 'Meteor`.

Line 3:

coolbrick.Anchored = False. Boolean values, (true and false values ), should be lowercase.

--The correct syntax should be, 
coolbrick.Anchored = false.

Line 4:

game.Workspace.coolbrick.. Since the object itself is not named coolbrick, but the variable of it is, you cannot do this. However, you can use game.Workspace.Meteor since you named the object meteor, or you can do coolbrick.Touched since you defined coolbrick as a variable.

Line 4: continued

:connect(functon(poop). Function is misspelled.

--The correct syntax should be, 

Line 5:

poop:Destroy(). I would run an if-statement before you delete anything, so that you aren't deleting the baseplate or anything. Also, you should put this a few lines down, so that you can still get the position for the explosion

A few notes:

Lua is a case-sensitive language, meaning you have to be careful when it comes to capitals and lowercasing.

For instance, you had instance, when Lua only reads Instance. This would cause an error. Samething with False.

If you have a variable already defined, you don't need to find the part you defined in workspace. Simply use the variable.

Scripting Time:

local coolbrick ='Part', game.Workspace) --Defines coolbrick
coolbrick.Name = 'Meteor' --Names coolbrick
coolbrick.Anchored = false --Anchors coolbrick

coolbrick.Touched:connect(function(poop) --Checks for if it gets touched
    if poop.Name ~= 'Baseplate' and poop ~= nil then --If the part is not Baseplate and is real 
        local boom ='Explosion', game.Workspace) --Explosion creation
        boom.Position = poop.Position --Explosion position
        poop:Destroy() --Part destroy

If this helped you, don't forget to accept my answer.

-1. Too many comments, makes it harder to read. Link150 1355 — 7y
He explained with detail what gone wrong, and solved it. +1 davness 376 — 7y

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